Tuesday, December 09, 2008

The Search for the Perfect Christmas Tree

Today we headed out and found the tree of our Christmas dreams. Or at least one that wouldn't take up too much room in the living room.

We went to the Christmas Tree farm that is about 1.5 miles from our house. How lucky are we? I love being able to support local businesses and farmers, especially ones that close to me. First we had to trek down to where all the trees are. (Yes, that is a chainsaw Dave is holding. You didn't think he would use a regular hand saw for a Christmas tree, did you?)

Then it was decision time. Rose had a good idea of what she wanted.

But we thought our decorations and lights would fit better on the tree Lacy chose for us.

Onto the business of felling the tree.

What a stud.
Returning from the hunt with the perfect tree.

On to the decoration of said tree...
With Lacy's new ornament
And Rose's too
And there you have it. Our Christmas tree.


Kathy Habel said...

Looks beautiful.

LMS said...

Awesome tree along with all those memories you are making